CUE-Support is very strong in troubleshooting
In 2014, Neighborhood Care Project Officer Henri van Raalte first contacted CUE-Support. He was making instructional videos with an iPad at the time, and he wanted to professionalize. A consultant from Buurtzorg, who was also involved in directing work, referred Henri to Roger Creemers of CUE-Support.
Henri: “I then literally asked Roger, ‘I want to start filming a little more professionally, what do I need?'” He then started with a simple camera, a few lights and microphones. Since then, the organization has grown so much that that equipment is no longer sufficient, but advice Henri still gladly turns to CUE-Support. “When we start doing something new, like working with livestreams, it’s nice to ask for advice on how to approach it.”
Different way of working
The Corona crisis forced Buurtzorg to work somewhat more with livestreams than before. “There are 14,000 of us all over the country. Surely you want to be able to reach them well.” Henri had set up a temporary studio in the cafeteria of the headquarters in Almelo where he made the recordings. It was soon realized that this way of working would be used more often even after Corona.
Henri: “I then had the idea of putting two rooms in the office together and setting them up as a studio. I then asked Roger how he would go about it. He then came to Almelo to look at everything and quite a lot came out of that.”
Professional studio
In a short time, a conference room and office were combined and converted into a professional studio. The studio is primarily used for webinars and programs recorded for colleagues. On average, these attract about 1,500 viewers at a time. “Our director also handles a lot of online events since Corona. We operate globally, so that is also looked at by people abroad who also want to integrate the model of community care.”
According to Henri, the nice thing about the studio is that it can be used multifunctionally. Everything is mobile and flexible. “We have seating arrangement and a table arrangement, so we can really go in all directions. There’s also a green screen that we can use for instructional-type things, where we can put an instructor in front of the equipment later.”
Strong in troubleshooting
The new studio has now been in operation for almost six months. In addition to the flexibility provided by the space and various setups, Henri is particularly appreciative of the expertise with which the project was handled by CUE-Support. “Especially in troubleshooting, they are very strong. Dave has often helped me out at live events. It sometimes happened that a camera was about to update just at that moment. Then I call Dave and he takes a look. He always knows how to solve it.”